Career Advice: How Holiday Networking Can Increase Professional Visibility

A family hugs each other in the kitchen.

Consider your narrative

Perspective matters during every part of your career journey, and networking is no exception. The impression that you leave on family and friends when discussing your professional life could have a huge impact on your success. Our experts elaborate below: 

Be vulnerable, persistent, and positive

Communication is always a two-way street, even when your career is at the core of a conversation. Make sure to ask questions and remain positive when discussing your professional life over the holidays–this includes on social media too! You want others to feel engaged and excited about your possibilities, and the prospect of being a catalyst for your career. Our experts say it best: 

Understand and establish boundaries

As our experts explain, nepotism can be a real concern. Make sure to check your entitlement and evaluate how you communicate with family, friends, and new connections alike. Our experts explain more on this below:

Take action

Networking does not always come naturally, especially during the holidays. Our experts have actionable tips and advice on how to create and cultivate professional connections with loved ones and beyond:

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