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Dear Graduate: You Have the Skills Employers Desperately Need

Systems-thinking is often heralded as a skill reserved for the sharpest and most seasoned leaders. But today’s youth understand how our laws, regulations, private sector decisions, and public policies have created reinforcing structures and norms that contribute to the persistence of racism as well as gender and wealth inequality. 

Anthony Delgado: The Power of Upward Mobility

After graduating from a coding bootcamp, Anthony Delgado started participating in hackathons, pitching ideas for philanthropic coding projects, and more.

Related Industries: Data
An image shows Anthony Delgado giving a talk.

On the Hunt for a New Career

For Stepan Nelasov, going to a bootcamp gave him the opportunity to rebuild his career, rekindle his passion, and—perhaps most importantly—rediscover his resolve. 

Related Industries: Coding, Data
A close-up shows a man wearing a suit and tie.

4 Ways To Make Money… With Coding

Whether you’re a self-starter or a goal-getter, we all have to pay the bills. Knowing code gives you the opportunity to make money the way you want.

Related Industries: Data
A close-up of a laptop screen shows a system of code in development.

The Beginner’s Guide to FinTech

Even if you are not very familiar with fintech, it’s likely you’re already benefiting from it. Simply put, fintech enhances financial activities through the application of technology.

Related Industries: FinTech
Woman teaches lesson on a computer.

Into the (Un)known

Robert Delfs explains how the framework of knowns and unknowns can help instructors along the path of discovery.

Related Industries: Coding, Data
An image shows a student wearing a suit and smiling at the camera.

How to Become a Strong Female Role Model

When Ashley Hurlburt started doing data entry for a massage therapist association, she realized it wasn’t so black and white.

Related Industries: Coding, Data
A portrait shows Ashley Hurlburt holding her daughter and smiling at the camera.
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