Technology Project Management Portfolio Guide

Use the following criteria to develop your portfolio. This same criteria will be used when providing feedback.

Portfolio Criteria


  • Includes name, email address, and link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Demonstrates experience in, and passion for, the role you are pursuing.

No Extraneous Information

  • Minimum of 5 skills or tools listed as proficiencies.
  • No listing of % proficiency of skills or technologies.

List of Projects

  • 3 – 5 projects are listed.
  • Include both individual projects/homework assignments and group projects.
  • Make sure projects demonstrate proficiency in the specific roles sought OR show a diverse skill set – see your LAMP list from the enrichment activity for role descriptions.

Project Details – Each project includes:

  • Short description of the problem being solved.
  • List of the concepts and technologies used in the project.

Design and Format

  • Easy-to-understand thumbnails, screenshots, or artifacts from each project.

Career Stories: Starting a Career in Digital Marketing

Miller Murray used his multidisciplinary background to carve a path for himself in the digital marketing industry. Listen along as he discusses his experiences as a career starter and tips for getting a job.

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A strong advocate for gender equality in the tech industry, Kanksha Masrani co-leads the Women in STEM Recruiting Team at Procter & Gamble. She says that strong leadership is dependent on three things: your principles, leading yourself first, and asking for what you need.

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