Industry-Backed GitHub
An industry-backed GitHub profile highlights projects that you’re proud of, documents them through README files and in-code comments, and presents clear, reader friendly code. It shows meaningful contributions to individual and group projects, clear READMEs, and modular, clean code.
Visit an industry-backed FinTech GitHub profile: GitHub Profile Sample
Use the following criteria to develop your GitHub profile. The same criteria will be used when providing feedback.
GitHub Profile Criteria
Clean and Organized Repositories
- At least 3-6 pinned repositories.
- Each repository has a working code.
- Each repository is professionally named (i.e. Austin Weather Analysis vs. homework12).
- Each repository has a descriptive tagline.
Code Readability
- Clear variables.
- Consistent spacing and indentation.
- Jupyter Notebook files contain comments and markdown headings.
Code Follows Technical Standards
- Linted code, free of errors.
Commit Histories
- At least 5 commits per repository.
- No profanity in commit history.
- Meaningful commit messages.
Hide pinned projects that do not meet all of the following criteria:
- Each project contains a README file in Markdown format.
- Each project contains a summary that clearly explains your individual contributions.
- If the project is deployed, a link is available and functional.
- Each project contains, if necessary, technical details required to run the code.
- If appropriate, each project contains visualizations, e.g. screenshots or GIFs.
Professional Profile
- A professional photo or an image (something other than the default identicon).
- Contact information is listed in the profile.
- A professional descriptive tagline, e.g. “Financial analyst working primarily in Python”.
Correct Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
- Consistent punctuation throughout.
- No grammar errors or spelling errors.